In September, Indian steel output increased 18.2% despite a decline in global production.

Indian steel output increased 18.2% despite a decline in global.

Even though the world’s steel output slightly decreased in September 2023, Indian steel output increased by 18.2%.

In September 2023, the world’s crude steel production fell 1.5% to 149.3 million tonnes (mt) from 151.7 mt in the same month the previous year. Production in the 63 countries that make up 97% of the world’s steel output was estimated at 1,406.4 mt during the January–September period, an increase of 0.1%.

India recorded a sharp increase in production of 18.2% or 11.6 mt. Indian steel output increased 18.2% despite a decline in global. production increased overall from January to September by 11.6% to 104.1 mt.

China, the world’s largest steel producer, produced 82.1 million tons in September, a 5.6% decrease from the same month last year, according to the World Steel Association. China’s output, at 795.1 mt, increased by 1.7% between January and September.

China’s output soars

Production in South Korea surged by 18.2% to 5.5 mt. The US saw a 2.6% increase in output at 6.7 mt, while Japan saw a 1.7% decline at 7 mt. Russia and Germany reported year-over-year increases in production of 9.8% and 2.1%, respectively, to 6.2 mt and 2.9 mt. Additionally, Turkiye saw an 8.4% increase in steel production, reaching 2.9 mt.

Brazil and Iran saw declines in steel production of 5.6% and 12.7%, respectively, to conclude at 2.6 mt and 2.4 mt, respectively.

In terms of region, the output of the EU, Asia-Oceania, and Africa fell by 1.1%, 2.1%, and 4.1%, respectively. In comparison to September 2022 figures, production in the Middle East and North America decreased by 8.2 and 0.3%, respectively, while South America saw a decline of 3.7%.

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