Following the announcement of the allotment status for Saraswati Saree Limited’s IPO, the Indian primary market and the allottees are eagerly anticipating the listing date, expected on August 20th, 2024. After the allotment status is revealed, applicants can check their application status online by logging into the BSE website or the official registrar’s site, Bigshare Services Private Limited. Meanwhile, with the share allocation confirmed, the grey market has reacted positively to the Saraswati Saree IPO, with the current Grey Market Premium (GMP) at ₹55, an increase of ₹14 from ₹41 on Friday, according to stock market analysts.
Check the IPO allotment status of Saraswati Saree Depot:
As previously stated, an applicant must not go from one location to another to monitor the progress of their Saraswati Saree Depot IPO allotment online. They can accomplish this by logging in to the BSE website ( or the Bigshare Services website ( They can, however, verify the Saraswati Saree IPO allotment status online by logging in at the direct BSE link — — or the direct Bigshare page—
Saraswati Saree Depot IPO: GMP
Market observers report that Saraswati Saree Depot Limited shares are currently trading at a premium of ₹55 in the grey market. This is ₹14 more than Friday’s Saraswati Saree IPO GMP of ₹41. They stated that Saraswati Saree Depot’s IPO GMP has increased today as a result of the trend reversal on Dalal Street and the robust response from Indian primary market investors. They informed the gray market that share allottees might expect a listing gain of approximately 25% on their investment.
Saraswati Saree Depot Offical Website: Click Here
The IPO listing date for Saraswati Saree Depot:
Following the implementation of the ‘T+3’ listing rule, public issues must be listed within three days of their subscription date. Saraswati Saree Depot’s IPO subscription date was from August 12th to 14th, 2024, implying that the public offering should be launched on August 19th, 2024. However, because the 15th of August is a national and stock market holiday, allottees should expect Saraswati Saree Depot’s IPO to be listed on August 20th, 2024.
How do you check the Saraswati Saree IPO Allotment Status?
For greater convenience, they can log in via the direct BSE URL — or the direct Bigshare link— Check the status of Saraswati Saree Depot’s IPO allotment online.
Read Also: Saraswati Saree Depot IPO Allotment Status – Check Your Application, Latest GMP, and Listing Date